
How many calls will be in ARISTOS and when will they open?

In ARISTOS there will be 2 calls for application. 1st call opens on the 1st of June 2023 until the 30th of September and, if needed, a second call will open in June 2024.

How many ARISTOS fellowships are available?

ARISTOS offers a total of 27 fellowships on a three-year full-time employment contract.

How can I apply?

Applicants must submit their applications only through the ARISTOS Program Website http://postdoc-aristos.com Before submitting your application, please, download and check the Guide for Applicants and templates.

Can I submit more than one application for the same call?

Only one application per person will be accepted in each call. You have the option to make changes to your application until the deadline; however, once it has been submitted, you will no longer have the ability to edit it.

Can I submit an application to the second call if I was not successful in the first one?

Of course! Make sure you still meet the Eligibility Criteria for the second call.

Where can I find the relevant information to apply to ARISTOS fellowship?

All the essential information is available on this website. We strongly encourage interested individuals to read the Guide for Applicants. Potential candidates should pay special attention to the Eligibility Criteria.

Are there any restrictions based on nationality or age?

The call is inclusive and welcomes candidates of all nationalities and age groups, as long as they meet the eligibility criteria outlined in the provided link Eligibility Criteria.

What do publications in international peer-reviewed journals mean?

Articles and reviews are accepted while meeting abstracts, short communications, etc. are excluded.

Is there any age limitation or specific timeframe after the PhD defense to apply?

No, there are no age limitations or specific years required after the PhD defense. We encourage applicants of all ages and stages in their academic career to apply without any restrictions.

Is it possible to apply to both the ARISTOS COFUND fellowship and a Marie-Curie Individual Fellowship?

Yes. They are independent calls, both belonging to MSCA program. You can apply to both.

Do I have to be a national from the European Union to be eligible to apply?

No. Candidates from any nationality can apply to ARISTOS. Check the Eligibility Criteria to make sure you do qualify for one of the positions offered.

Can I submit my application via email?

No. The only accepted format is through the online application platform. Applications submitted via email or any other means will not be accepted.

Can I access and modify my submitted application before the deadline of the call?

You have the flexibility to access and make changes to your application at any time during the open call period, as long as you have not yet submitted it. For detailed instructions, please refer to the "How to Apply" section.

I have defended my thesis but I have not yet been formally awarded the doctoral degree. Can I still be considered eligible?

As long as you have proof of holding a Ph.D. degree on the date of the call deadline you can be eligible.

Who should I contact before preparing my application for a research topic?

Applicants must select a host group (click here), indicate it upon applying, and aim at keeping their research plan aligned with the host group's expertise and capacity. They can contact ARISTOS ProgramManager in order to request additional information for this purpose. Supervisors are not allowed to be involved in the preparation or validation of the proposal.

What extension should I use for the supporting documents?

All the supporting documents in your application must be uploaded as PDF files.

Are there any templates available?

Yes, there are templates available for the Summary of the proposal, the Research Proposal, the Curriculum Vitae (Europass), the Motivation Letter, and the Letter of commitment from a company.

Can I submit the supporting documents via email or other ways?

No. The required documentation must be included in the online application.

Is it mandatory to use the provided templates?

Yes, it is mandatory to use the templates. Failure to do so may result in your submission not being evaluated.

When can I expect to receive communication regarding the status of my application?

Throughout the process, you may be contacted several times by email. Also, this information will be available in your Personal Area on the website. Please, check the timeline for further details.

  • Acknowledgment of receipt (email) With this notification, you will be provided with an Application code
  • Information about eligibility (email)
  • Evaluation Summary Reports regarding proposal and CV assessment (~Jan 2025)
  • Information about interview results (~March-April 2025)
  • If needed, information about redress procedures. Following the three notifications of results (eligibility, proposal assessment, and interview), different redress periods (10, 15, and 10-calendar day period) will be established to allow candidates to redress against the results.
  • Notification of the final evaluation results when the shortlist and reserve candidates list is published on the website upon validation by the ARISTOS Steering Committee.

What is the purpose of the interview?

According to the Guide for Applicants, the interview format will involve a 10-minute presentation of the candidate's project, followed by a scientific discussion. This comprehensive assessment encompasses both scientific and non-scientific personal skills.

Are the interviews carried out on-site or remotely?

All shortlisted candidates will be interviewed remotely.

Can I submit additional documents during the interview?

No. Only documents submitted through the online application will be considered.

Is it possible to know who has evaluated my application?

No. The list of experts will remain confidential throughout the process.

How are postdoctoral fellowship applications evaluated?

All the information related to evaluation is explained in the Guide for Applicants

Can I apply for a postdoctoral fellowship if I have already completed a previous fellowship?

Yes, there is no restriction.

Are there any publication requirements during the fellowship?

The impact of the core scientific training of ARISTOS on its Fellows's career profile will be measured in the number of peer-reviewed publications (at least one per Fellow per year) and presentations of their research results at international conferences (at least one per year). Besides, each secondment is expected to result in cross-sectoral publications in at least one high-impact journal and one international conference.

Does the company for a secondment need to be chosen from the list of companies the program offers (https://postdoc-aristos.com/Intersectoral)?

No, it is not mandatory to choose a company from the list provided. You are free to explore and contact other companies that might be suitable for your secondment. However, the selected company must be willing to provide a Letter of commitment as part of the application process.

Do the hosting groups need to sign the secondment letter?

No, the hosting groups do not need to sign the secondment letter. The letter of commitment should be provided by the company or organization where you plan to carry out your secondment.

Are research centers/universities valid for intersectoral secondment?

Research centers or universities can be considered for intersectoral secondment, but only if your hosting group is clinical and your project will be developed in a hospital. This is necessary to fulfill the intersectoral feature of the ARISTOS Program. In case of doubt, please, contact: aristos@ciberisciii.es

What happens if I am selected for one of the fellowships?

In that case, you will be contacted by the Program Manager for the initiation of the hiring process, to be continued by the Human Resources Department of CIBER.

Is there any timeline to accept the fellowship?

Yes. The selected Fellows will have to communicate the acceptance of the fellowship through a Researcher Declaration within a maximum period of 2 weeks, counting from the date of notification, and must be available to join the program within the following 5 months.

Is there a possibility of receiving a fellowship offer if I am on the Reserve List?

Yes. If one of the selected candidates rejects the fellowship for any reason, the position will be offered to the first candidate on the Reserve List, and so forth.

Who should I reach out to for further assistance?

ARISTOS Management has created a specific email account to support candidates throughout the program: aristos@ciberisciii.es

Will I get any support to relocate to Spain?

CIBER will assist you with administrative formalities such as visa, social security, health insurance, accommodation options, etc. You will receive a complete Welcome Pack help you navigate during the arrival process.

How does a postdoctoral fellowship contribute to my academic or professional career?

A postdoctoral fellowship offers significant opportunities for advancing your academic or professional career. By engaging in cutting-edge research projects and collaborating with renowned experts in your field, you can enhance your expertise and contribute to the advancement of knowledge. The fellowship provides a platform to build a strong publication record, establish a professional network, and gain valuable research experience.