Postdoctoral program In Biomedicine and Health Sciences

ARISTOS is a strategic program in Biomedicine and Health Sciences, led by CIBER (Consorcio Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red) in Spain, that offers 27 postdoctoral positions for three years each. The program's goal is to provide highly-qualified postdoctoral researchers with opportunities for international, intersectoral, and interdisciplinary research through a competitive recruitment process. The program will have one main call and a reserve call if needed. It will offer excellent and competitive working conditions for Fellows in line with the European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct and in compliance with the Spanish legislation for employment contracts.

Open now

17ER positions offered

2nd Call (2024)

OPENING DATE: 1st July 2024

DEADLINE: 30th September 2024

(11 am Central European Summer Time- CEST)
Aristos calls

ARISTOS Kick off Informative Meeting

Open to all interested participants

Date: 13th of July 2023

Time: 3pm (UTC+2) Madrid


What is CIBER?

CIBER is the largest research center in Biomedicine in Spain with 511 research groups, selected on the basis of their scientific excellence. It is structured in 13 Thematic Areas (see table) and has a staff of 800 appointed and around 6.000 attached researchers, associated with 104 different Affiliated Institutions (universities, research centers, and hospitals). CIBER was set up under the initiative of the Carlos III Health Institute of the Ministry of Science and Innovation and the Ministry of Health to promote research excellence in biomedicine and health sciences both in the National Health and the Science and Technology Systems.

CIBER is an international reference in research and innovation with a dynamic interdisciplinary knowledge network consisting of academic and clinical research groups.

For more info

The thematic area of Mental Health (CIBERSAM) is made up of 23 clinical, preclinical and translational research groups from...


The CIBER in its thematic area of Physiopathology of Obesity and Nutrition (CIBEROBN) is a consortium made up of 33 national work groups of proven scientific...


The CIBER’s area of Diabetes and associated Metabolic Diseases (CIBERDEM) has the main aim of leading the excellence research effort in diabetes and associated metabolic...


The CIBER’s thematic area of Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine (CIBER-BBN) is currently made up of 45 research groups...


The CIBER in the thematic area of Epidemiology and Public Health (CIBERESP) focusses its work on two key aspects: learning the magnitude and distribution of public health problems...


The CIBER’s thematic area of Liver and Digestive Diseases (CIBEREHD) has the purpose of promoting and protecting health by furthering research...


The thematic area of Rare Diseases (CIBERER) created to act as a reference, coordinate and further research...


The thematic area of Respiratory Diseases (CIBERES), a multidisciplinary and multi-institutional group, has the aim of fighting respiratory diseases...


The CIBERFES, the CIBER’s thematic area for Fragility and Healthy Ageing, was set up in late 2016 with the aim of...


The CIBERCV (Cardiovascular diseases) pools the work done by over 480 scientists from 40 excellence research...


CIBERONC (Oncology) was created in early 2017 and is made up of 50 research groups from 27 institutions in the consortium...


The CIBER for Neurodegenerative Diseases (CIBERNED) is made up of 55 research groups, with more than 630 researchers that focus their research on three programs:...


The research area for Infectious Diseases (CIBERINFEC) has been launched in 2022 to improve the health of society...


What do we offer?

Fellows in the ARISTOS program will carry out a research project in a CIBER group on a topic of their choice and receive career-enhancing measures such as research training, courses in research techniques, workshops for transferable skills, and access to international scientific and clinical networks. The program also promotes knowledge transfer and mobility between the public and private sectors.

For more info

What do we offer?

How to apply?


1st Call (2023)

27ER positions offered

OPENING DATE: 1st July 2023

DEADLINE: 30th September 2023


2nd Call (2024)

17ER positions offered

OPENING DATE: 1st July 2024

DEADLINE: 30th September 2024

(11 am Central European Summer Time- CEST)

Benefits of joining ARISTOS program

Our advanced training program offers a holistic approach, incorporating both research-oriented and soft skills development, to enrich your professional growth.

A unique opportunity to gain intersectoral exposure awaits you, as you will engage in a secondment with a company of your preference.

As a member of our esteemed community of researchers, you will have access to various training events and meetings, fostering opportunities for collaboration and exchange of ideas.

We offer a highly competitive remuneration package that surpasses national standards, as a testament to our commitment to providing our researchers with the best possible experience.

With the guidance of a dedicated group of three supervisors, you can expect personalized mentorship throughout your career development journey.


Working conditions

Full time contract

36 months

Living allowance (includes social security charges)

39.840 €/year

Mobility allowance

3.600 €/year

Family allowance

Maximum of 3.600 €/year

Travel allowance

An average of 900 €/year

Special Needs Allowance

(if needed)

Research costs

8.400 €/year


3.000 €/year



ARISTOS will have one main call in 2023 and, if needed, a reserve call in 2024.

timeline timeline timeline